Driving Pinterest Organic Traffic To Your Website
Pinterest organic traffic is the backbone of any marketing strategy, and for a good reason. Since everybody owns a smartphone nowadays, and more people use social media platforms, take your marketing strategy to make sense. When it comes to marketing and advertising, not all social media are equal. For instance, while there are multiple options for social media platforms, not all of them get you the same results.
Taking a closer look at Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, the platforms keep their audience hooked as long as possible. Therefore they are not the ideal platforms for driving traffic to your website. It is more difficult for businesses to share links and drive organic traffic to their business website. One of the emerging social media platforms to drive organic traffic by businesses is Pinterest.
Pinterest is the best outlet to drive organic traffic to one’s website. In short, Pinterest’s audience is interested in searching and discovering new things. Additionally, it includes new and interesting websites as well. And, the best part is that the platform makes it easy for businesses to do that. However, your Pinterest marketing plan to drive organic search to your website is only as effective as your methods. In the end, you can use Pinterest to help drive more organic traffic to your business website. Keeping that in mind, here we take a quick look at some of the best practices.
My Seven Top Tips for Driving Pinterest Organic Traffic
- Check out Pinterest keyword search bar, explore and ads
- Add associated keywords to pin titles and descriptions
- Write the same blog post title to your Pinterest board
- Upload rich pins at the right time
- You’re free to be different!
- Create a group board
- Get your website verified with Pinterest
1. Get Free Pinterest Traffic with Keyword Research
First, based on my Pinterest account experience, using the right keywords is an essential part of my online marketing campaigns. The same goes for using Pinterest to drive organic traffic to my website. The keyword process is straightforward.
Furthermore, I enter the relevant keyword in the search bar so this drives free Pinterest traffic to my website. At the same time, take note of the auto-complete suggestions, which you can use for your Pinterest posts.
Use Pinterest Explore Page Feature
Don’t have a clue what your content should be? No problem. Pinterest makes it easy for businesses to find relevant topics by using the explore page feature. Further, browse through the type of content your competitors use or others in your niche.
2. Add Associated Keywords to Pin Titles and Descriptions
So, to start with, you get an idea that keywords play a central role in using Pinterest. And, since you are looking to use Pinterest to drive organic traffic it’s important to add associated keywords to pin titles in bold text (about up to 100 characters) and the descriptions. Put interest on the first 30 characters that include the keywords and write your total title in TITLE CASE-BOLD CHARACTERS. This strategy helps to optimize your boards so you receive more clicks. Rich pins with bolded names stand out more in the user’s Pinterest feed. The bolded names boost their chances of getting spotted and clicked, as a result sending you Pinterest organic traffic.
3. Write the Blog Post Title to Your Pinterest Board
Typically, your pin title on your Pinterest board is drawn from your business website and is the same as your blog post. Mind you, it does not need to be the same – you can switch the title to another if you prefer. Make your title characters CASE-BOLD, this tip gives the title more attention and drives traffic to your website.
4. Upload Rich Pins At The Right Time
Rich pins are basically pins that include additional information to make them stand out on Pinterest’s feed. The Pinterest-rich pin tip helps bring more pinners to your Pinterest profile and website. By researching the relevant keyword and create stellar content, the next factor to consider is the right time to publish. This is often overlooked but makes all the difference when it comes to reaching out to the right audience for free Pinterest traffic. In my opinion, recommend publishing when most of your target demographic is online and wants to share your pins. Using Pinterest Scheduler helps you put your publishing on auto-pilot. There are also analytics and tools that you can use to determine how well each pin’s doing. So, do make the necessary tweaks to get even better results.
5. Use Pinterest Explore Page Feature
Don’t have a clue what your content should be? Pinterest makes it easy for businesses and marketers to find topics relevant to their niche. By using Pinterest’s explore page feature, where you can browse through the type of content used by your competitors or others in your niche.
6. Create Group Boards and Get Free Pinterest Traffic
Group boards are a great strategy I use them to grow my Pinterest followers. By obtaining more followers it sends free Pinterest traffic to my website. Create a new board and invite followers with the same relevant interest. You can join notes to the Pins in your group board for your collaborators to view.
I have three active Group Boards on Pinterest, please join us so we can work and play!
7. Get Your Website Verified with Pinterest Benefits
Pinterest is a very successful platform, and I recommend sharing your good content on Pinterest to grow your blogging business. In return, it sends Pinterest free traffic to your website.
First, you must create a business account. One step further, use Pinterest to build your business authority by claiming your website with them.
Here is a short but important list of the benefits for Pinterest business along with claiming your website:
- Pinterest business + claiming your site adds credibility and authority to your presence on their platform. Pinterest adds a verified logo as proof next to the link of your website.
- See the number of viewers your pins receive
- Access to your analytics allows you to adjust your pin performance
- Manage ads and promote your pins
Ending Note
Pinterest is a social network that businesses or bloggers mostly ignore. They tend to mistake it for a platform to look up home decor ideas. But, the platform has so much more to offer. Suppose you want to find out more about how you can harness its power to drive more traffic. In that case, you can use the tips above. It takes time to get the momentum going, so start to upload rich pins today and eventually receive free Pinterest traffic to your website.